Peter Whitmer Farm as a working farm in the early 1940s. House With Columns stands on the site of the present-day chapel. Site of the original Whitmer Cabin is behind the barns. Hay being dragged into those barns exposed the foundation stones to the old cabin, discovered by William Lee Powell in 1947.

House With Columns had a second wing (on the right) added to it for use as a Visitors' Center.

Diorama of the Organization of the Church which was displayed in the old Visitors' Center. Further research revealed that, although six men signed the legal documents, somewhere between 50 and 60 people were present for the organizational meeting on April 6, 1830.

House With Columns was moved so that the Fayette Ward Chapel could be built on its previous site. The Whitmer Cabin was built on the spot of its original foundations in time for the 150th anniversary of the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This celebration was broadcast via satellite uplink on April 6, 1980, from the cabin and the chapel.

Peter Whitmer Log Home in winter. It was built with authentic logs from the 1820s. Unfortunately, the logs are beginning to show signs of rot, and the cabin is slated to be rebuilt with newer materials, possibly in 2010.

Living room of the Peter Whitmer Log Home. The furnishings are authentic to the 1820s, but none are original pieces belonging to the Peter Whitmer, Sr., family, since they sold their land and took their belongings with them to Ohio in 1831-32. This room is approximately 20 x 18 and served as the first LDS meetinghouse. The first three General Conferences were held here, as well as Sacrament Services on Sundays. The Whitmer family sacrificed a great deal for their beliefs and were extremely helpful and supportive to Joseph Smith and his family.
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